Consumer Advocacy

We work with our community to advocate for you.

Advocacy is the act or process of supporting a cause or proposal: the act or process of advocating for something or someone. To sum it up, advocacy is a form of problem-solving. It is finding the best way to improve a situation:

  1. To protect the rights of people to receive fair, equal, and human treatment.
  2. To improve services and eligibility and enhance service quality.
  3. To ensure that adequate funding is made available for valuable services that improve the lives of individuals with disabilities. 
The Arc logo

Alliance for the Mentally Ill

For anyone in Michigan seeking information about mental illness or access to services and support groups for the mentally ill and their families.

The Arc logo

ARC of Monroe County

Largest national community-based organization advocating for and with people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) and serving them and their families.

ACMH logo

Association for Children’s Mental Health

Provides information, support, resources, referral and advocacy for children and youth with mental, emotional, or behavioral disorders and their families.

Michigan Disability Rights Coalition Logo

Michigan Disability Rights Coalition

Cultivates disability pride and strengthens the disability movement by recognizing disability as a natural and beautiful part of human diversity while collaborating to dismantle all forms of oppression.

Disability rights Michigan logo

Michigan Protection and Advocacy Services

Advise individuals with disabilities of their rights and responsibilities and how to advocate for their human, civil, and legal rights within the state of Michigan.

MI-UCP 75 years graphic

United Cerebral Palsy - Michigan

Statewide nonprofit organization that’s an ally and advocate for people with disabilities.