Customer Services

We’re here to help whenever you need support.

Monroe Community Mental Health Authority (MCMHA) works with people, service providers, and community members to ensure the highest quality supports and services are delivered.

How to Reach Us

Customer Service is happy to help you at any time, just call 734-243-7340 or toll-free at 800-886-7340.

Customer Service hours are from 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM, Monday through Friday, excluding holidays. Evenings by appointment only. 

How Customer Service Can Help

Here are some of the things Customer Services can help with:

  • Orienting new consumers to our system and services
  • Providing assistance with understanding your available benefits or any problems relating to benefits, along with any charges, co-pays, or fees
  • Complaints or problems with services you are receiving
  • Accessing transportation for medically necessary services
  • Information about our current provider panel
  • Access to information about our regional partners including annual reports, organizational charts, board minutes/members/meeting schedules

If you use a TTY, please contact Michigan Relay at 7-1-1. Ask Michigan Relay to call MCMHA at 800-886-7640.

closeup of hands typing on a laptop

Filing a Complaint

If you are not satisfied with the response to your complaint, or you would like a different option, MCMHA is accredited by the Joint Commission and you can file a complaint with The Joint Commission in the following ways:


Fax: 630-792-5636

Office of Quality Monitoring
The Joint Commission
One Renaissance Boulevard
Oakbrook Terrace, Illinois 60181

Filing a Grievance

MCMHA works to ensure that all consumers have a high level of satisfaction with the services provided by our staff. If you are not satisfied, we are committed to addressing your concerns or complaints.

hand holding pen close to a rights complaint form
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