Grievance & Appeals

We are committed to the highest level of care.

Let us know how to better serve you.

Monroe Community Mental Health Authority (MCMHA) works to ensure that all consumers have a high level of satisfaction with the services provided by our staff. If you are not satisfied, we are committed to addressing your concerns or complaints. We want you to feel safe and comfortable about letting us know how to better serve you.

There will be no negative consequences for filing a complaint, grievance, or appeal. If you are concerned at all about a negative reaction, please let us know by calling 734-243-7340 and ask for customer service.

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First step? A conversation or letter.

If you disagree with a decision about what services you will or will not get, it is a good idea to try talking it out first with the person who made that decision. If your first conversation doesn’t solve the problem, go to the supervisor. 

Sometimes it’s helpful to put it in writing. Written statements help us resolve your problems. If it is about a specific incident, you should include:  What happened. When it happened. Who was involved.

Denied services? Get a second opinion.

If you are denied access to MCMHA services, you have the right to request a second opinion. A second opinion is completed by a qualified staff to determine your eligibility for CMH services. This is done at no cost to you. You may request a second opinion by calling 734-243-7340 and asking for customer service. You may request a second opinion and an appeal of your service request denial at the same time.

closeup of a woman holding the phone
people exchanging paperwork in an office

Dissatisfied with your plan of service? Ask for a review.

Your Individualized Plan of Service (IPOS) should be developed using a person-centered planning process. If this did not happen (if you weren’t invited to participate and choose other participants) or if you do not agree with the final plan, you may ask for a review of your service plan. Once you ask for a review, MCMHA will review the plan within 30 days.

Still dissatisfied? Make an appeal.

An appeal is filed when a decision is made about your services that you do not agree with. For example, you might file an appeal if you have been denied services that you have requested, or if the services you currently receive are reduced, suspended, or stopped.

If you are still not satisfied, you have the choice to appeal the decision to the Local Dispute Resolution Committee. If your services are being denied or otherwise changed, you will receive a notice about the denial or change along with instructions on how to file an appeal, including the deadline to file an appeal.

If you have Medicaid, you have 60 days to file your appeal. However, if your current services are being reduced, suspended, or stopped, you can ask that your services continue during the appeal process if you request your appeal within 10 days of the date of the notice.

If you do not have Medicaid, you have 30 days to file your appeal.

You can file an internal or local appeal through Customer Services at 734-243-7340.

If you have Medicaid, the Local Dispute Resolution Committee has 30 days after they receive your appeal to resolve the appeal and notify you of the resolution. If you do not have Medicaid, the Local Dispute Resolution Committee has 45 days to notify you of the resolution.

If you do not receive a notice related to your request for services, or your services are reduced, suspended, or stopped without receiving notice, or you do not receive a local appeal resolution letter in a timely manner, you may be able to file for a State Fair Hearing through the Michigan Office of Administrative Hearings and Rules.

paper with Grievance written

Filing a Grievance

A grievance is filed when you are not satisfied with your services or supports. For example, you might file a grievance if you have concerns about the quality of care or services provided, or if you experience interpersonal relationship problems with a service provider. You can file a grievance at any time by writing or calling Customer Services at 734-243-7340. You will receive a letter about what happened with your grievance. If you do not get an answer about your grievance in 90 days, you can file an appeal.

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