Providers & Partnerships Resources

Forms, program information, and resources for providers, potential providers, and other partners.

Community Mental Health Partnership logo


Community Mental Health Partnership of Southeast Michigan (CMHPSM) provides mental health services to adults with severe and persistent mental illness, children with severe emotional disturbance, individuals with intellectual/developmental disabilities, and individuals with substance use service needs.

Community Mental Health Partnership logo

CMHPSM Provider List

A list of all providers that are contracted with Community Mental Health Partnership of Southeast Michigan (CMHPSM).

Monroe Community Mental Health Authority Logo in Black

CRCT Account Request Form

Request for provider access to MCMHA’s EMR (electronic medical record).

blue square with outline of the state of Michigan in white

Michigan CCBHC

Information about Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinics (CCBHC), which aim to improve the behavioral health for all Michiganders.

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