Supporting Young People with Family-Driven Services
Monroe Community Mental Health Authority supports children, teens, and their families with specialized family-driven, youth-guided services. Our services are delivered through evidenced-based practices and designed to promote overall wellness while nurturing the mental health and daily lives of all individuals served. We strive to work together in hopes of developing a trusting relationship to enrich the lives of every family member. Our role is to advocate and encourage growth, independence, and stability as you engage in mental health treatment.
Child Mental Health Programs
Access Services
Access Services offer eligibility screenings for Monroe Community Mental Health Authority (MCMHA) services or other relevant services in the community, including crisis services, prescreening assessments for inpatient admission, and substance abuse services. Our crisis services have staff available Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Call 734.243.7340 to get started.
After-Hours Crisis Services
Safety planning and crisis services are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Reach a clinician after hours by calling 734.243.7340 and selecting 1 (Assessment) to determine eligibility for inpatient psychiatric admission.
This is completed once a hospital has assessed you, completed a petition for hospitalization and a clinical certificate, and clearance has been achieved.
Case Management
Case Management offers a coordination of services such as linking to resources, advocacy for individual person-centered planning, and crisis management. Case Management includes education about all services available; linking, monitoring, and coordinating authorized services; regularly-scheduled appointments based on individual choice; and monthly contacts as needed.
Call 734.243.7340 to get started.
As of October 1, 2023, MCMHA is now a Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic (CCBHC)!
CCBHCs are designed to provide a comprehensive range of mental health and substance use disorder services and serve as a safety net behavioral health service provider.
Call 734.243.7340 to get started.
Crisis Mobile
Crisis mobile provides short-term crisis response, crisis intervention, and stabilization for adults and children experiencing a mental health or substance use crisis in the community. The goal of these services are engagement, symptom reduction, and stabilization, assessing the immediate crisis and facilitating resolution and de-escalation. A 24/7 crisis response team is deployed by law enforcement, MCMHA access, and MCMHA after hours.
Call 734.243.7340 during business hours or our crisis hotline at 800.273.8255 for assistance.
Early Childhood Services
Early Childhood Services provide empathy and emotional support through individual and family counseling. Services include developmental guidance about infant behaviors and childcare practices while providing encouragement for appropriate behavior, interaction, and parental response, and promoting emotional well-being in young children and their families.
Call 734.243.7340 to get started.
Home-Based Services
Home-based services are an intensive service approach provided in your home, school, or community focusing on: family-driven and youth-guided treatment; advocacy for your family; opportunities to resolve challenges that have prevented your child from thriving at home, school, work, or other social settings; therapy to address ongoing behavioral/emotional concerns of your child; and supports to empower parent(s)/caregivers.
Call 734.243.7340 to get started.
Intensive Crisis Stabilization Services for Teens & Children
Crisis Stabilization Services are designed to provide short-term alternatives to inpatient psychiatric services and are available for on-site critical intervention and/or telephone consultation at all times.
Call 734.243.7340 to get started.
Medical Assistants & RNs
Medical assistants and RNs provide vital checks, completion of health reviews, screening for prior authorizations, medication administration and injections, in-person and telehealth appointments, and medication education for individuals with a mental health or substance use disorder.
Call 734.243.7340 to get started.
Parent Management Training Oregon
Parent Management Training Oregon (PMTO) helps parents learn supporting practices like directions, tracking, emotional regulation, and communication. PMTO sessions are videotaped to assist clinicians with learning. The program is available for families of youth with serious behavioral concerns.
Call 734.243.7340 to get started.
Parent Support Services
Parent Support Partner (PSP) Services offers support to caregivers of youth. PSP will help you set goals and determine strategies to achieve those goals; help you prepare for and attend meetings at DHHS, CMH, or Family/Juvenile Court; brainstorm ideas or concerns regarding your family, system, or services; offer training and education to effectively communicate with the agencies involved in your family’s life; and assist you with making informed choices.
Call 734.243.7340 to get started.
Parenting Through Change
PTC is a hands-on group for parents and caregivers who have youth from preschool through adolescence with serious behavior problems. These problems might include overt antisocial behavior (defiance, aggression, hyperactivity, etc.), covert antisocial behavior (lying, stealing, fire setting, etc.), internalizing problems, substance use, and delinquency or school failure.
PTC sessions are videotaped to ensure the PTC model is upheld and families are receiving the best possible service.
Call 734.243.7340 to get started.
Psychiatric Health Services
Psychiatric health services provide a comprehensive assessment of psychiatric and medical needs, as well as telehealth video and in-person appointment options and flexible scheduling. Services include guidance in times of crisis and a comprehensive approach to alleviate complex mental health problems.
Call 734.243.7340 to get started.
Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavior Therapy (TF-CBT)
TF-CBT offers an assessment process to identify symptoms and severity of symptoms. It provides education on trauma and common reactions to traumatic events, safety planning, and enhancing future safety. Additionally, it offers support to empower parent(s)/caregivers throughout the treatment process. TF-CBT also provides a safe and private environment to process details of identified trauma while recognizing resiliency factors and building from those strengths. Finally, it includes environmental and behavioral modification strategies.
Call 734.243.7340 to get started.
Wraparound Services
Wraparound Services is a team-based process that helps groups of people involved with families work together toward a common goal. The team approach is to assure that the children and their families can experience success in their homes, schools, and community. Wraparound Services is also a strength-based process. It provides recognition/celebration of efforts and achievements. Formal and informal supports are utilized to meet the family’s needs.
Call 734.243.7340 to get started.
Youth Diversion Services
Youth Diversion Services offer age-appropriate screenings to help in identifying mental health concerns and help in the coordination of family and youth to appropriate services. Linkage can happen before and/or after a youth is involved in the justice system.
Call 734.243.7340 to get started.
Youth Outpatient Therapy
Youth Outpatient Therapy offers a person-or family-centered approach provided at home, in a community location, or at our office. The individual-driven treatment allows for self-advocacy, resolves daily challenges, and addresses ongoing behavioral and emotional concerns, and more.
Call 734.243.7340 to get started.
Youth Peer Support Services
Youth Peer Support Services (YPSS) offers support to youth and young adults. Services help to build strong relationships based on mutual respect. Members share their stories and listen to yours, which helps increase hope, confidence, self-advocacy skills, and decision-making abilities. Youth Peer Support services empower you to set goals and support you to identify strategies to achieve those goals.
Call 734.243.7340 to get started.