Interventions to Ease the Way Forward
When critical incidents occur, we know they can leave lasting effects on the individuals involved. Research shows that early intervention after the critical incident can greatly reduce the likelihood of issues like Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) developing. Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM) is an intervention that will meet individuals or groups where they are following a critical incident to debrief the situation and make appropriate referrals if further care is needed.

Critical Incident Stress Management Programs
Access Services
Access Services offer eligibility screenings for Monroe Community Mental Health Authority (MCMHA) services or other relevant services in the community, including crisis services, prescreening assessments for inpatient admission, and substance abuse services. Our crisis services have staff available Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Call 734.243.7340 to get started.
After-Hours Crisis Services
Safety planning and crisis services are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Reach a clinician after hours by calling 734.243.7340 and selecting 1 (Assessment) to determine eligibility for inpatient psychiatric admission.
This is completed once a hospital has assessed you, completed a petition for hospitalization and a clinical certificate, and clearance has been achieved.
Crisis Mobile
Crisis mobile provides short-term crisis response, crisis intervention, and stabilization for adults and children experiencing a mental health or substance use crisis in the community. The goal of these services are engagement, symptom reduction, and stabilization, assessing the immediate crisis and facilitating resolution and de-escalation. A 24/7 crisis response team is deployed by law enforcement, MCMHA access, and MCMHA after hours.
Call 734.243.7340 during business hours or our crisis hotline at 800.273.8255 for assistance.
Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM)
CISM is a service that is designed to help individuals that have just experienced a critical incident that leaves them emotionally and/or physically affected by those incidents. The CISM process allows those that experience critical incidents together to understand difficulties that could occur because of the event. These processes are proven to decrease the emotional impacts of critical incidents to get back to baseline as quickly as possible. It is important to clarify that CISM is not a crisis response but rather a debriefing of critical incidents either during or after events. It is confidential, and it is an opportunity to understand stress, share reactions with peers, and learn warning signs and coping mechanisms to battle against negative emotional responses.
Call 734.243.7340 to get started.